OA REMINDER: There will be NO School for a Superintendent’s Conference Day: Friday, March 11, 2022. Have a nice long weekend. Don’t forget to ‘Spring Forward’ on Sunday, March 13th by moving your clocks ahead 1-hour as Daylight Saving Time starts. Stay up-to-date with OACSD events: The single page calendar that shows the full year can be found on our website here: https://5il.co/xfd7 The year-long printed calendar can be viewed or downloaded as a PDF on our website here: https://5il.co/z7lv A printed version of the year-long calendar is available for anyone who would like one. You can ask your child’s teacher or building to send one home with them, or pick one up from the main office at each school building. Community members can pick up a printed calendar from the district office. The most up-to-date event calendar will be the digital version found on our website here: https://www.oacsd.org/events or new district app. As always, events are subject to change. Please contact us directly using Let’s Talk! - https://www.oacsd.org/page/lets-talk - to ask any questions about school district events. Let’s Talk! will ensure your questions are answered in a timely manner by the appropriate district personnel.
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
No School March 11th
Yoda Late To School
The Owego Apalachin Central School District will have an Early Dismissal today, Wednesday, March 9th. Due to winter weather conditions. Owego Elementary School and Apalachin Elementary School will dismiss students at 1:00pm. Owego Apalachin Middle School and Owego Free Academy will dismiss students at 2:00pm. There will be NO After-School Activities, which includes the Elementary After-School Programs at OES, AES and the Tioga County Boys & Girls Club.
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Early Dismissal
OA Reminder: Spring Sports Registration through FamilyID is OPEN for ALL Modified, JV & Varsity Sports here: https://www.familyid.com/programs/owego-apalachin-athletics-spring-21-22-varsity-jv-and-modified-sports-registration JV & Varsity seasons start 3/14 and Modified 3/21.
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Spring Sports Registration
Great job AES!!! Fun Friday with Jump Rope for Heart! Supporting a great cause!
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Boys Varsity Basketball Sectional Semi-Final tonight at OFA. Owego vs Waverly. 6:00 at OFA Section 4 Admission Adults and students $6.00 Seniors Citizens $4.00 Please enter through the main entrance of OFA to get your tickets.
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Reminder: Jazz Night - Tuesday, March 1 at 7:30 PM in the OA Theater The music department welcomes Sherri Maricle and her 3D Jazz Trio: https://3divasjazztrio.com/! See the full program here: https://5il.co/16h6q Watch the live stream here: https://youtu.be/ebR4P1LuiuU
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
OA Jazz Night Program
Good Evening OA School Community, During a news conference today, Sunday, February 27, 2022, Governor Hochul announced that the New York State mask mandate for schools will be lifted this coming Wednesday, March 2, 2022. Instead of lifting the school mask mandate tomorrow, Monday, February 28th, Hochul said she chose Wednesday to allow schools and county officials time to adapt to the new rules. On Friday, February 25th the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also released new guidelines advising that most Americans no longer need to wear masks in indoor public places in communities without high rates of COVID-19 hospitalizations and other risk factors. The revised CDC guidance also clarified that the TSA mask mandate for public transportation no longer applies to public school buses/vehicles. You can read more and check risk levels by county on their website here: https://www.cdc.gov/ Given the updated guidance and once confirmed with Tioga County officials, effective Wednesday, March 2, 2022, masks will be optional in all Owego Apalachin Central School District buildings and buses. #OATogether
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Mask Update
Come out tonight to support boys varsity basketball in the first sectional game. 6:00 @ OFA vs Dryden. Please enter through the front doors of OFA as there is admission into the game. $6 for Adults and Students.
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Good luck to our boys Bowling team today as they compete in the state qualifiers. #OATogether
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Due to the inclement winter weather, the Owego Apalachin Central School District will be CLOSED Friday, February 25, 2022. Enjoy the SNOW DAY and stay safe!
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Snow Day
6th Graders at Owego Apalachin Middle School collected over 90 items to be donated to Stray Haven as a way to help in their #OACommunity. Nice work OAMS 6th Grade! #OAisYOU Find out more about @strayhavenhumanesociety here: https://strayhavenspca.org/ #OATogether
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Middle School
6th Grade Stray Haven Donation
Congratulations to our Boys Varsity Bowlers. Section 4 Class B Champions!!!
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Great to see the OES Hoops for Heart event! @Green_Corey @OA_Schofield
almost 3 years ago, Owego Free Academy
bball 2
bball 1
The New York State Police will be holding a 'Car Seat Check Event' on Friday, February 18th from 12:30-3:00pm at the Campville Fire Station. See the attached information to schedule an appointment. #OACommunity #OATogether
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Car Seat Check
Registrations for the 2022-2023 school year are now being accepted for the Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) and Kindergarten programs for families who reside in the district. Get more info on how to register at OES or AES here: https://www.oacsd.org/o/oe/page/upk-k-registration
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Spring Sports Registration through FamilyID is NOW OPEN for ALL JV & Varsity Sports here: https://www.familyid.com/programs/owego-apalachin-athletics-spring-21-22-varsity-jv-and-modified-sports-registration Modified Sports Registration will OPEN: 2/21/2022
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Christy J. Valvo Stadium Drone Shot
Community Day is back in person for Engineers Week at BU on Saturday, February 26th. Enjoy a super-fun day of STEM-related activities. Register to attend by February 18th. Click the following link for more information & to register: https://5il.co/15muq #OACommunity #OASTEAM
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
BU E-Week Community Day
Congratulations to RaeAnn Craft for winning a sectional title at 118 lbs at the first ever Girls Section IV Wrestling Championship Tournament…as an 8th grader!
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Good luck to all our OA Wrestlers in the Section 4 championships!!!
almost 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Vince Briga from Spectrum News stopped by OFA to speak with Mrs. Staiger & Ms. Kalgren about the OA Virtual Academy. See his story here: https://spectrumlocalnews.com/nys/binghamton/news/2022/02/09/-virtual-academy--allows-students-to-learn-from-home--regardless-of-pandemic
about 3 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Virtual Academy Story Pt2
Virtual Academy Story Pt2
Virtual Academy Story Pt2
Virtual Academy Story Pt2