Owego Apalachin Music Department: Les Miserables Set Design “It’s just so intricate and you can really see how everything connects and what happens with it. I like these stairs a lot because this is what my side deals with, but it’s just a pretty set over all.” Student Manager Max Merges gives us a tour of the set hours before opening night. Watch what went into putting everything together here on Showcase Arts TV, or catch this weekend’s showings of Les Miserables on Saturday, February 8th and Sunday, February 9th at 2:00pm. https://youtu.be/o5cFEu55Bs8
about 6 hours ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
OA Athletics Schedule
about 9 hours ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Due to the impending storm, the Saturday performance of Les Misérables is being moved up to a 2:00 pm start time. Tickets for Saturday may be exchanged for another show by emailing ofamusical@gmail.com or calling 607- 354-0990. Get more info on the show here: https://www.oacsd.org/page/ofa-musical. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to see you at the show! #OARiverHawks #sOArTogether #OACommunity #OAPride
about 20 hours ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Les Mis Poster
Les Mis Cast
We are so proud of our music department and cast members for putting in the hardwork to create this amazing production. Go out and see the musical, Les Miserables! Tickets: Adults $8, Students/ Seniors $6 Friday, February 7th- 7:00PM Saturday, February 8th- 7:00PM Sunday, February 9th- 2:00PM #OACareerCenter #OARiverhawks #soar #oacsd #hawkpride
1 day ago, OA Career Center
This week we had the opportunity to participate in a joint event with the New York State Department of Labor and Binghamton University. While our students participated in career exploration using virtual reality headsets. A BU doctoral candidate got to see and study this mode of education for further applications. #OACareerCenter #OARiverHawk #oacsd #soar #hawkpride
1 day ago, OA Career Center
We are thankful for our partnership with Raymond Corporation! Our students got a behind the scenes look at the production of the northeast's leader in indoor forklift technology…made right here in the southern tier for the last 103 years! #OACareerCenter #OARiverHawks #oacsd #soar #hawkpride
1 day ago, OA Career Center
BOCES New Visions met with interested OFA students today in the Career Center to discuss their 5 academies in Law and Government, Health Science, Engineering, Education, and Business. #OFARiverHawks #sOArTogether
1 day ago, Owego Free Academy
New Visions Visits OFA
Teacher Spotlight: John Heath “Watching the kids overcome challenges and the confidence they get from solving difficult problems.” Robotics teacher John Heath talks about how he began his journey as a teacher and a cross-country coach. Learn more about him and some of the goals he’s set for himself as a teacher in this Teacher Spotlight on Showcase Classroom TV. https://youtu.be/m-AGmDN02II
1 day ago, Owego Free Academy
Four Questions: Brady Bartlow “Just the sight reading and the concerts that we do. It’s just really cool.” Brady Bartlow is in the jazz band, and he shares with us his passion for music and how he got his start. Learn more about Brady as he answers four questions on Showcase Arts TV. https://youtu.be/PKXMrZu26Wo
1 day ago, Owego Free Academy
OA Athletics Schedule
1 day ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Congratulations to our Fall OA Athletes making their respective Elite teams! All well deserved. Great kids, great athletes, great students!
2 days ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Elite teams
Good Morning, OA School Community. Due to the inclement weather, OACSD will be CLOSED today, Thursday, February 6, 2025. Thank you.
2 days ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Snow Day Image
Practice Makes Perfect: Bowling Drills Card Game The bowling team has specific drills they run when they want to work on accuracy. Learn more about how the team practices in this Practice Makes Perfect on Showcase Sports TV. https://youtu.be/DuMnaFEP_yo
3 days ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Behind the Scenes: Drone Soccer “My favorite part is probably when I’m playing defense and I get to tip someone's drone upside down, they crash into the floor and break.” Students on the drone soccer team talk about their favorite part of the sport and everything they’re able to get out of it. Learn more about how the team is looking on Showcase Sports TV. https://youtu.be/WwXHVHPQITc
3 days ago, Owego Free Academy
OA Athletics Schedule
3 days ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Coach Profile: Rusty Virkler “Being able to build relationships with the student-athletes. Growing up I never thought I wanted to coach, and now that I coach it’s awesome to see these kids grow and become better humans. Rusty Virkler has been coaching the bowling team now for four years. Learn more about him and how highly the student-athletes view him on Showcase Sports TV. https://youtu.be/YRLfivDNs9I
4 days ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
In the Classroom: Application of Product Design “They’re going to create their own logo, then produce that logo on any apparel item they want, and then sell it to their peers.” Teacher of Application of Product Design Katelyn Simpson, breaks down the steps of the project the students will be working on this year. Get an in-depth look into class and see the tools the students are using to create their own logos on Showcase Classroom TV. https://youtu.be/nJEiRrysRHE
4 days ago, Owego Free Academy
Four Questions: Ava Brown “Interacting with people, I’m such a big people person I love being around my family and friends and even interacting with strangers. I just think it’s so much more fun to come into work at the office in a setting like this where you’re interacting with people 24/7.” We got the chance to interview former Owego graduate Ava Brown who’s now at Syracuse University. She was back on break and helping students in the Career Center. Learn more about Ava as she answers four questions on Showcase Classroom TV. https://youtu.be/2ZQTWXMNr0Y
5 days ago, OA Career Center
Behind the Scenes: Jazz Band “It’s amazing I love music and it’s always been a passion of mine, and having an area that’s so dedicated to music and teaching music is wonderful.” Students at Owego are thrilled to have such an innovative and dynamic music department. See what happens when two teachers team up for some sight reading exercises for the jazz band on Showcase Arts TV. https://youtu.be/cnpShWLApX8
5 days ago, Owego Free Academy
OA Athletics Schedule
5 days ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics