OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OACSD will be running on a 2-hour delay on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. Due to extreme cold temperatures. The district will also be utilizing the 'Extreme Cold Bus Transportation' for Walkers. See the locations for OES, OAMS and OFA here: https://5il.co/142md #OATogether
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
2-hour Delay
Due to the predicted cold temperatures for tomorrow morning, Tuesday January 11, 2022, the OA District will be implementing the OA 'Code: Extreme Cold' for Walkers Plan. Please see the attached note with bus numbers and stops available for students who walk to school: https://5il.co/142md In the event of a delay, the stop times would reflect the delay. (ex. In the event of a 1-hour delay, OES stops would be between 8:35-8:40am). #OATogether
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
OA School Bus
Extreme Cold
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Dear OA Families, New York State has provided at-home COVID-19 rapid tests to school districts across the state. Owego Apalachin has received enough rapid tests for each student in our district to receive one test, if parents choose to take them. If you would like a rapid test for your student(s), they will be available for pick-up today, Monday, January 3rd. One test kit per student will be available for pick up beginning at dismissal at each building, and until 6:00pm in each building’s main vestibule. For any family interested in the at-home test kit, they must be picked up by a parent or guardian. If you are not available to pick up a test kit today, but you would like to have one for your child(ren), please contact the main office of their school building to coordinate a time to pick one up. Tioga County Public Health asks that anyone who receives a positive result on an at-home COVID Test should report it using the following link: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/81b6a40301264dddaecf4a7c76bd5426 Students who test positive for COVID-19 using an at-home test kit should also inform their school nurse.
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Dear Families, You may or may not have seen media reports regarding COVID testing in schools. To help clarify, please be aware of the following COVID updates from the New York State Department of Health and Tioga County Public Health: * There is no requirement to have a COVID test prior to returning to school after the holidays. However, the Department of Health encourages families to test their children to lessen the possibility of spreading COVID. We anticipate receiving a supply of at-home tests in the coming days that will be made available for families if and when needed. * At this time quarantine requirements remain at 10 days for unvaccinated students who are a direct contact with a COVID positive person. * New York State is planning to implement a Test-to-Stay program in the coming weeks. This program will allow unvaccinated students who are a direct contact with a COVID positive person to remain in school if no symptoms are present and have negative tests. The New York State Department of Health will provide school districts with tests for family use to support this program. Further details of this program are being worked out under the guidance of the Tioga County Public Health. We will communicate the specifics of the Test-to-Stay program as more information becomes available. We wish you a happy New Year and look forward to seeing your children back in school next week. #OATogether
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
Hey OFA, It's time for Winter Spirit Week! Get in the holiday mood before break with the following theme days on Dec 20th, 21st & 22nd: https://5il.co/133bi #OATogether
over 2 years ago, Owego Free Academy
Winter Spirit Week
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics
The OA Music Department will perform their Winter Choral Concert, 'Dreams', tonight, Monday, December 13th at 7:30pm in the OA Theater. A live-stream of the performance can seen on our YouTube Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b977J8SXppE #OAMusicNeverStops #OAPride
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
OA Winter Choral Concert
OA Transportation is in the final few days of their Toys for Tots collection. All donations are due by Dec 15th. Check out the Pennysaver story here: http://www.owegopennysaver.com/PS/2021/12/09/filling-the-bus-with-holiday-cheer/ More info: https://5il.co/1280e #OATogether
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin CSD
Toys For Tots
OA Athletics Schedule
over 2 years ago, Owego Apalachin Athletics