OAMS River Talons Logo

Before School Begins: We are holding Sixth Grade Orientation on Wednesday, August 28th of 2024 from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm. During the program, families will be able to obtain information about middle school from Administration. School Counselors will have schedules ready to be picked up for students to help our incoming sixth graders prepare for their first day. After the program, you will be able to go on a self-guided tour of OAMS and find your homeroom classroom. 

Please take a moment to mark this date in your calendar as we look forward to meeting you! 

On the First Day of School: Our first day of school will be Thursday, September 5th of 2024. All 6th grade students will report directly to the Auditorium after entering the building. Their first period teacher will pick them up there and escort them directly to the classroom. After the first day of school, they will report directly to their Goal Period classroom without a teacher escort. 

Technology: Your school issued iPad is a very important learning device at the middle school. Daily classwork and assignments will be submitted and/or completed with this device. It is your responsibility to take care of your iPad by keeping the case on it, charging it every night, and bringing it to school every day. Please remember that since your iPad is school property that it falls under the OACSD Code of Conduct, and administrators and teachers can check your device to see what websites you visit and what you post. 

Please note that cell phones are to be turned off during the school day and put in your locker.

Click here to read the PDF letter: https://5il.co/2sw6r