Students should notify a member of the school district’s faculty or staff if they believe they have been a victim of harassment or bullying.
They can do this in person, but if they are not comfortable enough to do that, they may also access a report form located at the top of this page, print it, fill it out, then submit it to one of the administrators listed in the right-hand panel of this page.
Upon receiving verbal or written notice, adults must:
• Intervene • Investigate • Report • Promptly make referral
The OA faculty or staff member receiving information will prepare a written record of details (disciplinary referral) and will then notify a member of the district administration.
The teacher, staff and/or administrator will then communicate with the student and/or parents of the student to assure them that the report will be taken seriously, and will be acted on promptly.
An investigation will then begin. School officials will meet with the student/parents fi ling the report, with the people who are accused of being involved, and with any witnesses. This will lead to a follow-up with the student/parents, at which time, any consequences or appropriate interventions will be discussed.
The New York State Dignity for All Students Act (or DASA) was signed into law September 13, 2010, and went into effect July 1, 2012. It states that no student shall be subjected to harassment or discrimination by employees or students on school property or at school functions based on their actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, or gender.
Facts about bullying…
One out of every four teen-agers are harassed or bullied.
Nine out of ten lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender students experience harassment at school or online.
As many as 160,000 students stay home on any given day because they’re afraid of being bullied.
One out of every five kids admits to having engaged in bullying acts, or doing “some bullying.”
Forty-three (43) percent of kids have been bullied while online. One in four have had it happen more than once.
Fifty-eight (58) percent of kids admit someone has said mean or hurtful things to them online. More than four out of ten say it has happened more than once. Physically • Punching, shoving, acts that hurt people Verbally • Name calling, making offensive remarks Indirectly • Spreading rumors, excluding, ganging up On the Internet or Through Various Technologies • Sending insulting messages or threats by e-mail, text messaging, chat.