Board of Education

Board Of Education Building

Business Meetings and Regular Meetings

Every meeting is open to the public, and we encourage the community to attend.  The agenda and minutes from every board meeting can be found using Board Docs.  We would also encourage anyone with questions or comments to utilize our Let’s Talk! communication tool available on our website and through the Let’s Talk! mobile app.  This will ensure that your questions and comments are seen and answered by the appropriate district personnel or board of education members.

The Owego Apalachin Board of Education will hold business (BM) and regular (RM) meetings throughout the school year.

Meetings will be conducted at 6:00 pm in the Board of Education room at the District Office, 5 Sheldon Guile Blvd., Owego. (Unless otherwise noted)

Any member of the public who wishes to address the Board of Education can do so at the regular meetings during the public comment period. Members of the public are welcome to attend Business meetings, although there is no public comment section.

Guidelines for Attending a Board of Education Meeting

  • All attendees will sign in. 

  • Those who intend to speak during public comment (at Regular Meetings) should indicate so on the sign-in sheet and include the topic they plan to discuss. 

  • Once called to speak, they will stand at the microphone to address the board of education.

  • Please review the Public Comment Guidelines listed below.

Meeting Agendas and Minutes can be found on Board Docs.

Upcoming Meetings

Monday, August 26th | 6:00 pm - Board of Education Room, OA District Office

Monday, September 16th | 6:00 pm - Board of Education Room, OA District Office

Public Comment

The public comment period is reserved for members of the public to present comments to the Board of Education and/or Superintendent. Speakers should limit comments to no more than (2) minutes in duration and are given (1) opportunity to address the Board. The Board of Education will not allow comments involving individual district students or personnel. Persons wishing to discuss these matters shall present their concerns to the correct district personnel (Teacher, Principal, District Administrator, or Superintendent) by using Let’s Talk! Located on our website here: LET’S TALK!. 

Please review the Public Comment Guidelines here: BOE PUBLIC COMMENT GUIDELINES