Owego Apalachin Central School District

Budget Information

2024-2025 Proposed School Budget Information

Important Dates and Information:

Tuesday, April 22nd - BOE Meeting Final Budget Presentation (View PDF Slides here: https://5il.co/2jczl

School Budget and Capital Project Information Session: Monday, May 6th at Apalachin Elementary School : Click Here To Watch The Recorded Livestream Of The Info Session

School Budget Public Hearing and Capital Project Information Session: Monday, May 13th at 6:00 pm in the Board of Education Room, OA District Office: Click Here To Watch The Recorded Livestream Of The Official Budget Public Hearing

School Budget Vote, Board of Education Election, and Capital Project Vote: Tuesday, May 21st from Noon to 8:00 PM (Apalachin Elementary School and Owego Apalachin Middle School)

Contact the district clerk directly to request an absentee ballot (607) 687-6215. Absentee ballots must be received by the district clerk by 5 pm on Tuesday, May 21st. They can be dropped off at the district office, 5 Sheldon Guile Boulevard, Owego. You may place them in the blue drop box or bring them inside the building to the district clerk.

You are eligible to vote if you are 18 years of age as of May 21, 2024, a citizen of the United States, and have been a resident of the school district for 30 days prior to today. You do not need to be registered with the Board of Elections but must show a valid photo identification.

Vote in person at Owego Apalachin Middle School or Apalachin Elementary School from Noon to 8:00 pm on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. (Location is based on residency.)

OACSD Budget Book

New York State Report Card

NYS Tax Information

Glossary of Budget Terms

Click this link to see a full list of budget terms with definitions to help walk you through the budget process a little easier!

Glossary of Budget Terms

During the April 22nd Board of Education meeting, the board gave the green light to the 2024-2025 budget. Here's a breakdown of the School District's financial overview for the upcoming academic year:

Total Revenue Budget: $57,879,272, a 1.94% uptick from the previous year.

Total Expense Budget: Aligned with the revenue at $57,879,272, ensuring a balanced budget.

Total State Aid: Rings at $31,568,630, making up 1.66% of the total revenue budget.

Property Tax Levy: Stands at $18,256,427, comprising 1.99% of the total revenue budget.

Reserves/Fund Balance: $30,000 (used for workers compensation tail claims)

The decision to keep the property tax levy increase below the allowable tax cap of 5.09% underscores the board's commitment to lessening the burden on taxpayers while adequately supporting the district's operations and educational programs. This prudent choice aligns fiscal responsibility with community affordability, especially considering there hasn't been an increase in the past three years.

2024-2025 Budget Newsletter Cover

Click the image above to read the 2024-2025 Budget Newsletter

Proposed Capital Project:

At this year's budget vote on May 21st, we will be looking for voters to approve a 28.5 million dollar capital project to continue work around the district. Click the link below for more information.

Review The Proposed Capital Project Here

Additional Capital Project Information

BOE Candidates

Click The Image To Read The Candidate Bios On The 2024 Ballot

Q&A - Additional Information:

Dr. Green WEBO Interview

Click The Image To Listen To Superintendent Green's WEBO Interview From 4/30/24

Superintendent Green On WEBO

Click The Image To Listen To Superintendent Green's WEBO Interview From 5/14/24

2023-2024 School Budget Information

Vote Results

2023-2024 School Budget Vote and Board of Education Election Results - Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Voters in the Owego Apalachin Central School District on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, voted to approve the district’s proposed 2023-2024 school budget of $56,776,269.

The budget had a tax levy increase of 0.00 percent.

The final vote was:

Yes:  851       

No:  358   

In a second proposition, voters approved the purchase of 5 school buses by the following count:

Yes:  893  

No:  306   

Three Board of Education Candidates elected for three seats were:

Michael Aubel, Jessica Silvanic, and Joseph Palladino 

Votes Per Candidate

Michael Aubel:  647

Jessica Silvanic:  597

Joseph Palladino:  593

Stacey Riegel:  434

Kathie Rollison:  412

Dan Whippo:  371

Elda Capuni-Lemmon:  342

Voters approved the additional taxpayer funding for the Apalachin Public Library. 

Yes:  810  

No:  391

2023-2024 Budget Newsletter Cover

Click the image above to read the 2023-2024 Budget Newsletter

2023-2024 OACSD Budget Book

New York State Report Card

2022-23 School Budget Information

2022-2023 Final Budget Presentation


Newsletter Photo

Vote results

Voters in the Owego Apalachin Central School District on Tuesday, May 17, 2022, voted to approve the district’s proposed 2022-2023 school budget of $52,861,174.

The budget had a tax levy increase of 0.00 percent.

The final vote was:

Yes: 655       

No:  247  

In a second proposition, voters approved the purchase of 5 school buses by the following count:

Yes:  674  

No:  230  

In a third proposition, voters approved the district’s proposed Capital Project with a maximum estimated cost of $12,900,000:

Yes:  609

No:  287

Two Board of Education Candidates elected for two seats were:

Gene Cvik and Linda Gretz

Votes Per Candidate

Linda Gretz: 654

Gene Cvik: 524

Terry Ward: 360

Voters approved the additional taxpayer funding for the Apalachin Public Library. 

Yes:  625  

No:  275

Voters approved the additional taxpayer funding for the Coburn Free Library. 

Yes: 652    

No: 244

2021-22 School Budget Information

2021-22 School Budget Presentation




Vote results

Voters in the Owego Apalachin Central School District on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, voted to approve the district’s proposed 2021-2022 school budget of $49,835,497.

The budget had a tax levy increase of 0.00 percent.

The final vote was:

Yes: 557       

No:  197  

In a second proposition, voters approved the purchase of 5 school buses by the following count:

Yes:  559  

No:  195  

Two Board of Education Candidates elected for two seats were:

Michael Phelps and Jason Luke

Voters approved the additional taxpayer funding for the Apalachin Public Library 

Yes:  507  

No:  242

Voters approved the additional taxpayer funding for the Coburn Free Library 

Yes: 526    

No: 219